
There is no contact option for this site, so if you wish to ask questions or make comments you can join and post them on the community message board.
- This page explains how things work on this site -

To join you only need to provide a username and password... usernames and passwords cannot be recovered, so don't forget them!

Cookies are used on this site only when members are logged in - to allow for the posting of messages, et cetera.

There's a like 👍 and dislike 👎 option on each members page (not for each post).

You can post a link on your page to a members page, but not to a specific comment by typing @member.

You can comment on specific posts by clicking the envelope icon [ ] at the bottom of the post.

You can remove posts and comments from your page by clicking the ⨂ symbol at the bottom of the post or comment.

You can add members to your "List" by clicking the plus sign next to the member's name which will appear at the top of your list when visiting the page: [ + member ] or remove members from your list by clicking the ⨂ symbol next to the member's name: [ ⨂ member ].

You can block members from visiting your page by clicking the 🔓 icon and unblock by clicking the 🔒 icon on a member's page... [🔓 means the member is not blocked and 🔒 means the member is blocked]

You can have a maximum of 50 posts (this may change) at a time, the oldest one after that will be automatically removed.

Accounts not posted to at least every 90 days will be automatically removed.


 Isolationistsparty.org Copyright © 2024